Nelson Mandela's grandson Mayibuye Mandela calls for a united stand against the government of national unity.
Image: Mayibuye Melisizwe Mandela/ Facebook
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Nelson Mandela's grandson Mayibuye Mandela has written an open letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa expressing his disapproval of the inclusion of the DA in the government of national unity (GNU), citing ideological differences.

“The ideas of the DA and FF Plus do not align to better South Africa and the majority of its citizens. It is imperative we form a South African initiative to stop this marriage of convenience,” Mandela said.

“We must show we do not support decisions that do not align with the liberation vision and the implementation of the Freedom Charter which aims to better the lives of our people.” 

Last week the DA announced it would be part of the GNU with the ANC.

Mandela said he believed the ANC should have approached the EFF, UDM and MK Party.

“The ANC was voted out for failing to adhere to this vision. Instead of forming a revolutionary government with the EFF, UDM, ATM, MK Party and other like-minded parties to bring real change, it has chosen a path we believe further sells out the people.

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“He [Ramaphosa] was supposed to step aside and allow young people to come into these spaces. Young people are not given a platform. We are not heard by these leaders. They are failing to create a connection between young people and themselves so we can walk the journey with them and understand the political system.” 

He called for a march against the GNU on the same day as the president's inauguration at the Union Buildings.

“We call on all South Africans — black, white, Indian and coloured — to unite against this proposed GNU during the inauguration of the president. We must demonstrate we will not be silenced in a democratic state.

“We must take to the streets peacefully and picket outside the Union Buildings with placards showing our dissatisfaction.” 

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Political activist Mayibuye Mandela tells Newzroom Afrika the GNU is against the Freedom Charter and South Africans are not happy with this form of government. He speaks to Newzroom Afrika's Aldrin Sampear.


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