'Mama Joy' Chauke believes a change in the sport and arts ministry is needed in the seventh administration. File photo.
Image: Thabo Tshabalala
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Sports superfan Joy “Mama Joy” Chauke has asked President Cyril Ramaphosa to consider appointing a woman as sport, arts and culture minister when he selects his new cabinet.

Ramaphosa is expected to announce his cabinet imminently after being sworn in for his second term as president on Wednesday. 

“We are asking the president to give us a good minister because without a good minister, sports can't run well. We want someone who knows sports and someone who is energetic,” Chauke said.

The sports fan believes a woman would do well to lead the ministry and ensure it flourishes.

“As a woman who is constantly criticised for going to stadiums to watch games, I want more women [to lead]. I'm asking the president to give us a female minister or deputy so we can interact well with her.”

Chauke said a top candidate for the job was Netball South Africa president Cecilia Molokwane.

“Molokwane would be a great candidate because she's energetic. Put a woman in charge and you will see.” 

When Zizi Kodwa resigned earlier this month after his arrest for allegedly receiving bribes amounting to R1.6m in 2015 and 2016, Ramaphosa appointed Maropene Ramokgopa as acting sport, arts and culture minister. 


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