Safa technical director Walter Steenbok during a press conference at Safa House.
Image: Sydney Mahlangu/BackpagePix
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The disciplinary committee hearing against South African Football Association (Safa) technical director (TD) Walter Steenbok, which was to sit from Tuesday, has been postponed to next month, TimesLIVE learnt on Thursday. 

Steenbok was charged by Safa for “gross mismanagement, gross negligence, gross dereliction of duties, gross insubordination and gross insolence”. He was also charged with breaching Safa’s statutes and internal policies and procedures.

The TD was to be asked to state his case regarding allegations of a hostile relationship with Safa’s head of women's football Romaney Pinnock and insulting national executive committee (NEC) member David Molwantwa.

Pinnock confirmed to TimesLIVE on Thursday she was informed the hearing was postponed but did not have the date when or further details.

“Yes, I was told it was postponed. But I don't have any more information, sorry,” she said in her brief reply on a WhatsApp message. 

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Among the allegations Steenbok faces, the Safa document states that since Pinnock’s appointment, reporting to Steenbok in July 2023, the TD “failed and/or neglected and/or refused to provide Pinnock with any strategic direction/guidance, targets, ways of working, schedules or legacy documents, to assist her in tendering her services to Safa and meeting her contractual KPAs”.

After an NEC ratification of a proposal by Pinnock that she report directly to Safa CEO Lydia Monyepao, Steenbok allegedly stated in an email the women’s football head had to “report directly to the technical director” and her plans “must be communicated to and approved by” the TD.

Molwantwa apparently complained of the short notice given for a technical committee meeting in February, saying he would disregard the notification until “proper processes” were followed.

Safa alleges Steenbok “recorded that Molwantwa could not wait to display his character and hatred towards you; is not your friend and therefore he must respect you; was displaying his ‘low class’ in public; illustrated conduct that was stupid and disrespectful and ought to cease behaving like a ‘loose cannon’.”

Safa have maintained they don't discuss internal matters with the media “because these are confidential”.

Steenbok did not respond to questions sent to him by TimesLIVE on Tuesday regarding the hearing and the date to which it has been postponed. 


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