- Open Book Festival's Worksop Week will provide participants opportunities to learn from celebrated authors, editors, agents and industry professionals.
- Open Book Festival's Worksop Week will provide participants opportunities to learn from celebrated authors, editors, agents and industry professionals.
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Open Book Festival is pleased to announce Workshop Week, an extensive line-up of workshops and masterclasses designed to help aspiring writers of all levels hone their craft and develop the skills needed to succeed in today’s competitive literary landscape.

Taking place at Bertha House in Cape Town from June 3-8, Workshop Week offerings cover a wide range of genres and topics, providing unique opportunities for writers to learn from celebrated authors, editors, agents and industry professionals.

“Our goal is to equip writers with the tools, knowledge and inspiration to take their work to the next level,” said Frankie Murrey, festival co-ordinator. “Whether you’re a first-time writer or a seasoned pro, there is something for everyone in this year’s workshop curriculum. The facilitators are — in many cases — people or organisations we have worked with before, so those joining us will find Workshop Week favourites ‘Life Writing Collective’ and ‘Red Wheelbarrow’, for instance. We’re always looking for new organisations to work with, and we are incredibly excited to include the Empatheatre team this year. We’ll be closing the programme with an Empatheatre workshop as well as a performance of Unruly, starring Andrew Buckland.”

Workshops will focus on crucial areas such as fiction writing, poetry, screenwriting and marketing. In addition to workshops, the festival features invaluable masterclasses led by best-selling authors and literary stars. These intimate, in-depth sessions allow writers to receive constructive feedback on their works-in-progress.

“The chance to learn from masters of the craft in an up-close setting is incredibly valuable for any writer seeking to elevate their skills,” added Murrey.

Workshop Week tickets are now available through Webtickets. With limited spaces available, writers are encouraged to secure their spot soon.

For more information about Workshop Week and to view the programme, visit www.openbookfestival.co.za. Join the conversation on social media using the hashtags #WorkshopWeek and #OBF.

Article provided by Carmen Wells on Behalf of Open Book Festival

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