Red Blaze burger.
Image: Supplied
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It arrived in a big red box just in time for supper on Monday. It had been years since we last ate KFC and the first thing we noticed in the loaded hamper was the bright red hamburger — yes, ruby red. Intriguing.

I’d been asked to road test KFC’s Kentucky Town pop-ups, their bold new addition to their menu which will be exclusively available at their Gateway branch in Umhlanga from December 8-18. It promises a hot start to the summer holidays and it was a gargantuan feast.

It may have looked festive except this red is not only their corporate colour but the signature for their hot and spicy dishes.

All very different, their famous chicken the hero of each dish, they're something for those who like it hot.

The red Blaze burger was our first bite. Taking top honours for creativity, the red bun is studded with black sesame seeds and the hot chicken fillet comes with plenty of  Zinger sauce, cheese, tomato, lettuce, onion and the Colonel’s dressing.

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Zinger naan.
Image: Supplied

Next a waffle burger packed creatively between two waffle squares. Super juicy, the chicken breast fillet inside is covered in hot sauce, cheese and dressing. We found it to be a big carbo load. The Kentucky Chow was a hit, a bunny chow on steroids. This came in a quarter loaf of bread, filled with strips of tender chicken and potato in a curry sauce and a small salad garnish on the side. It was big enough to feed three of us.

I particularly enjoyed the Zinger naan, tender chicken breast strips in a curry sauce on a bed of greens, onion and coriander encased in a large naan with oodles of dressing, and dollops of spicy curry sauce. It was a real heatwave. For anyone watching food shows on TV you'll know that crispy chicken skins are bang on-trend. Try them dipped in the signature KFC coating and deep fried for a moreish but rich snack. But take care: it's loaded in kilojoules and very tempting.

Warning: best you order plenty of ice cold drinks/water to go with the chilli feast as we found, even as lovers of spicy food, you need something to douse the flames.

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