Former president Jacob Zuma speaking at Mbongeni Ngema's memorial service.
Image: YouTube/ SABC
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Former president Jacob Zuma was amongst the dignitaries in attendance at Mbongeni Ngema’s memorial service at the Playhouse, Durban, on Wednesday, following the playwright’s death in a car crash on December 27. 

Zuma took to the podium to deliver his tribute to the late veteran, speaking of Ngema’s legacy, the friendship he built with him, and his reaction when he first heard of his passing. 

“When I was told that he had passed, I thought it was a joke I thought he’d never die. I thought he’d live forever because of the way he was. It’s shocking that we are here to say goodbye. When I heard, I asked myself ‘why not us who are old?’ What shall become of us with Mbongeni no longer with us?

“He was a man amongst men. We have truly lost a great talent. He told a story through song in such a way that you would know it word by word and never forget it. I was very lucky because I knew him at an early stage. He fought for freedom and was able to pass the message of how we were oppressed.”

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Zuma went on to reveal that he and Ngema were set to work on a project about his life as a man from Nkandla. 

Zuma admitted that he was not keen on the idea at first, but was later convinced after Ngema spoke to his sister about the idea. 

“He wanted to create a story about my life. We eventually agreed that he could tell my story. Our deal was that we’d meet after Christmas.

“Mbongeni was not just a friend, a comrade who fought for freedom with all his might, this man was prominent worldwide in a way that educated the youth through storytelling and song.

“What hurts me the most is he left without me saying goodbye, because we were yet to meet soon to talk about the things we would talk about when we would meet.

“We’ll never forget this man. he fought for freedom in many ways.”



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