5 hacks to help you stay moisturised this summer

13 November 2023 - 14:08 By Staff Writer
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Show your skin some love with these skincare tips.
Show your skin some love with these skincare tips.
Image: Supplied

Harsh and dry winter winds can push the savviest beauty fundis to be staunch with their beauty routines. However, with the heat up, sunscreen is not the only thing that should be on your mind.

As the mercury rises and the sun shines brightly, it is advisable to change your skincare routines and avoid misconceptions about skimping on moisturiser during warmer seasons.

This was stressed by brand manager of Clere skincare, Su-Marie Annandale who said: “Moisturising remains a vital step in your skin care regimen, even when temperatures are soaring.”

She sheds light on why you shouldn't skimp on moisturiser and details the key benefits it brings to your skin.


Your skin requires hydration throughout the year, irrespective of the weather. Hot weather can make you feel sweaty and lead to dehydration. When your skin is dehydrated, it might overcompensate by producing excess oil, potentially leading to breakouts. Using a lightweight moisturising lotion can help maintain the skin's moisture balance, keeping it hydrated without feeling heavy or greasy.


Hot weather can often leave your skin feeling irritated and flushed. A hydrating moisturiser can have a soothing and cooling effect on your skin, providing relief from the discomfort caused by excessive heat and sun exposure.


Your skin has a natural barrier that helps retain moisture and protects it from external aggressors like pollution and bacteria. Harsh weather conditions, including heat, can compromise the barrier, making your skin more vulnerable to skin issues. Regular moisturising helps strengthen and repair the barrier, keeping your skin healthy and resilient.


Dehydrated skin can lead to the development of fine lines and wrinkles. By keeping your skin adequately moisturised you can prevent premature ageing. Moisturisers, especially those containing antioxidants like Vitamin E, can help maintain youthful, radiant skin.


When choosing a moisturiser for hot weather, opt for a lightweight lotion. These are less likely to clog pores and make your skin feel heavy. Clere’s range of repairing body lotions for radiant, glowing skin combines the key ingredients, tissue oil, glycerine and Vitamins E and A, and helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks *. It also provides 48-hours of moisture.

* Eight out of 10 women saw an improvement in their stretch marks and it helped even their skin tone after 12 weeks of continued use.

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