7 beauty tips to try while getting your me-time

Keep your beauty game on point

11 December 2023 - 12:46 By Thango Ntwasa
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From pillowcases to lip scrubs, we've got your skin health covered.
From pillowcases to lip scrubs, we've got your skin health covered.
Image: 123RF/Beauty Agent Studio

In summer and winter it can be difficult to keep up your skin regime, especially during holidays.

To make it easier, beauty experts from Soul Factors have put together beauty hacks you can include during the holiday period when me-time can also keep you on point with your beauty.

1. Change pillowcases at least every two weeks

Believe it or not, changing your pillowcases can do wonders for your skin. Bacteria is easily transferred from your skin to your pillows and can result in acne, so it’s important to refresh them regularly. Dust mites and allergens quickly accumulate on the surface and may irritate your skin.  

Experts recommend washing your pillowcases weekly or at least every two weeks to remove excess oil, sweat and makeup. If possible, you should clean your pillow at least yearly. 

You may want to level up your game with silk and satin as these reduce friction between your skin and pillowcases, minimising breakouts, hair damage and wrinkles. 

2. Use a chamomile-infused eye mask 

Chamomile is excellent to include in your night-time routine as it contains antioxidants that reduce redness and hyperpigmentation. 

Soak eye pads in chamomile tea, pop them in the fridge and then use them in the evening when you unwind before bed and see the magic slowly take effect.  

In modern times we spend far too long staring at screens. A chamomile-infused eye mask provides a gentle, therapeutic touch that also helps alleviate eye strain and keeps your eyes refreshed. 

3. Make a moisture-boosting DIY lip scrub

During the colder months our lips become chapped and chaffed due to a lack of moisture. Including a lip scrub in your routine is essential to prevent this. 

Mix a teaspoon of granulated sugar with a drizzle of honey to create a natural exfoliation full of antioxidants. Gently applying the sugar onto your lips will remove the minuscule dead-skin particles while ensuring moisture gets through.

4. Prioritise foot care

We often overlook the care our feet need, especially in winter when they’re hidden away in thick socks and boots. Remembering your feet during your night-time routine can be a great choice, and doing a foot mask will leave you with silky-smooth feet in the morning. 

Mashing half of a banana, adding half a teaspoon of honey and mixing the two will give you a natural moisturising foot mask that you can pop on for 15 minutes.  

Leave your mask on with an old pair of socks or plastic wrap. When you take the mask off, you’ll be left with smooth skin. 

5. Invest in a hair oil treatment

Hair oils are fast becoming popular in the beauty industry, and for good reason, with rosemary oil becoming one of the biggest beauty trends on TikTok over the past year. Using hair oils overnight locks in moisture, prevents breakage and can even increase the shine and softness of your locks. 

Coconut oil is a popular option as it strengthens the hair cuticles, giving your head a glossy shine. You can also make DIY a hair mask for added protection. 

Mix a smashed ripe avocado with two tablespoons of coconut oil and a tablespoon of honey to treat your hair overnight.  

Slather the mixture across your dry hair, distribute it evenly, cover it with a shower cap or cloth and rinse in the morning. If sleeping in it isn’t an option, you can leave it on for half an hour and still see benefits.

6. Use a non-comedogenic moisturiser  

It is essential to maintain a gentle skincare routine during winter. A non-comedogenic moisturiser adds to this, specifically formulated to avoid clogged pores. 

Most non-comedogenic moisturisers include skin-healthy ingredients such as ceramides, hyaluronic acid and glycerine that are non-greasy and prevent dry, flaky skin. We all love smooth, hydrated skin, so bump up your night-time routine with a lightweight, balanced moisturiser. 

7. Reduce blue light levels before bed

Blue light is one of the worst things you can expose yourself to before settling down for the night as it blocks the brain’s ability to recognise it is night. 

Not only does it strain your eyes when using a screen late at night, some studies have found blue light may result in worsened retinal damage. Getting yourself blue light glasses, explicitly designed to avoid this, can prove a great addition to your night beauty routine. 

Experts from Soul Factors said: “A night-time routine is more than a series of steps. It’s what enables your body to recognise that it’s night and time to sleep. Disrupting this routine can result in struggling to switch off after a busy day. 

“Looking after your skin, hair and nails will leave you feeling much better, especially if you’re already drained from juggling Christmas shopping and holiday plans.

“Opt for beauty products with nourishing ingredients that hydrate and leave your hair and skin feeling soft. This will also put you in a good position for the New Year, especially if your resolutions orient about improving your physical and mental wellbeing.” 

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