Winter hydration tips to keep you glowing in the cold

Cold fronts are kicking in but that’s no reason for your beauty regimen to suffer

31 May 2024 - 08:59 By Staff Reporter
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Is your moisturising game working for you? Here are some tips that might help.
Is your moisturising game working for you? Here are some tips that might help.
Image: Supplied

For some, winter weather has an adverse effect on skin that often bears the brunt of harsh conditions, leaving it dry, flaky and dull. Hydration becomes paramount during these months to maintain a healthy complexion.

“Properly hydrated skin not only looks radiant but also serves as a protective barrier against environmental aggressors,” said Clere skincare brand manager Su-Marie Annandale.

Here are the top hydration hacks to keep your skin glowing in winter:


First and foremost, hydrate from within by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. While it may be tempting to reach for hot chocolate or coffee, these beverages can dehydrate your skin further. Opt for herbal teas or infused water for a refreshing and hydrating alternative.

Moisturise strategically

Upgrade your skincare routine with richer moisturisers containing ingredients such as tissue oil and glycerine. Apply them immediately after cleansing to lock in moisture and create a protective barrier against moisture loss. Clere’s Repairing range of crèmes and lotions are enriched with nourishing tissue oil and moisturising glycerine to reduce the appearance of stretch marks*. The range is available in three indulgent fragrances, including Vanilla Honey Cream further enriched with argan oil.

Humidify your space 

Combat dry indoor air by using a humidifier in your home or office. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, preventing your skin from drying out and helping you breathe easier during the winter months.

Exfoliate gently 

Regular exfoliation is essential to remove dead skin cells and allow moisturisers to penetrate deeply. However, be mindful to use gentle exfoliants to avoid stripping your skin of essential oils, specially in winter when it is prone to dryness.

Hydrate lips and hands 

Don't forget to pamper your lips and hands, which are often the first areas to show signs of dryness. Keep a lip balm and moisturiser handy and reapply throughout the day to keep the areas soft and hydrated.

Choose hydrating ingredients 

When selecting skincare products, opt for those formulated with hydrating ingredients such as glycerine. These ingredients help replenish lost moisture and strengthen the skin's natural barrier.

Hydrate from the inside out 

Incorporate hydrating foods into your diet, such as water-rich fruits and vegetables, to support overall skin health. Foods such as cucumber, citrus and spinach are not only delicious but also help keep your skin hydrated and glowing from the inside out.

* Eight out of 10 users saw an improvement in their stretch marks and it helped even their skin tone in 12 weeks.

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