Marquez will miss Spanish MotoGP but hopes to return in France

26 April 2023 - 12:02 By Reuters
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Marc Marquez underwent surgery to his right hand after a collision in the season-opening race in Portugal last month and did not race in the last round in Texas.
Marc Marquez underwent surgery to his right hand after a collision in the season-opening race in Portugal last month and did not race in the last round in Texas.
Image: Mirco Lazzari gp/Getty Images

Honda's Marc Marquez will miss the Spanish Grand Prix this weekend as he continues to recover from a hand injury, but hopes to be fit for next month's race in France, his team said on Wednesday.

Marquez underwent surgery to his right hand after a collision in the season-opening race in Portugal last month and did not race in the last round in Texas.

Honda said the six-times premier class champion underwent checks on Tuesday and the medical team advised him to continue his recovery and focus on a possible return for the French GP, scheduled for May 12-14.

“Yesterday, we did another CT scan and it has been confirmed that, despite the injury progressing favourably, the bone has not finished healing and racing in Jerez was risky,” Marquez said in a team statement.

“Together with the medical team, we decided not to take any risks, to wait two more weeks and return in Le Mans.”

Marquez will be replaced by Iker Lecuona at the Spanish GP. 

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