WATCH | Toyota Hilux ad banned in UK for showing off-road driving

Advertising watchdog says ad condones behaviour harmful to the environment

24 November 2023 - 09:35

The Toyota Hilux is routinely portrayed as a rugged adventure vehicle that can tackle all types of off-road terrain, but it won't be allowed to be advertised that way in the UK.

The UK’s advertising watchdog ruled a campaign showcasing the bakkie's off-road prowess encouraged drivers to take to the dirt at the expense of the planet. The "born to roam" advert showed a line of Hiluxes driving off road in a cloud of dust before joining a tar road.

This angered Adfree Cities, a network of groups in the UK concerned about the impacts of corporate outdoor advertising. They complained the ad "condoned behaviour that was harmful to the environment".

The ASA upheld the complaint, despite Toyota's insistence that it was committed to environmental change and explaining its roll-out of hybrid and electric vehicles.

"The ads presented and condoned the use of vehicles in a manner that disregarded their impact on nature and the environment," the watchdog said in a ruling.

Adfree cities called the ruling a landmark move but said it wasn't enough, and said "promotion of SUVs should be terminated altogether".

"SUVs are being sold on a false promise of rugged adventure, exploiting imagery of the natural world," said Adfree cities co-director Veronica Wignall. "In reality SUVs are harming nature, polluting our air, clogging up our cities and causing tragic loss of life."

Does the advert promote behaviour that is harmful to the environment? Watch and decide.