Thousands flock to FNB stadium to pray against crime and corruption

The Motsepe foundation event that booted out the Soweto derby is expected to be attended by President Cyril Ramaphosa

25 November 2018 - 09:55 By Nonkululeko Njilo
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Church members fill up FNB stadium for a national prayer day
Church members fill up FNB stadium for a national prayer day
Image: Nonkululeko Njila

Thousands of church congregants from more than 30 churches and faith-based organisations filled up FNB stadium to participate in the 2018 National Day of Prayer on Sunday.

"Things are out control in this country. Women and children are killed everyday. People are dying of drugs and politicians are full of corruption," said Itumeleng Moselane, of the Methodist church.

President Cyril Ramaphosa was also scheduled to attend the event organised by the Motsepe Foundation, which was expected to draw as many as 100 000 worshippers. 

The event booted out the soccer derby between Orlando Pirates and Kaizer Chiefs, who was forced to move their Telkom knockout semi-final match to Durban.

Zion Christian Church (ZCC) members occupied most of the seats at the stadium. They could be seen in various uniform colors mainly, yellow, green, khaki and blue.

Reluctant to speak to the media, they could be heard ululating miles away.

"We are sions. We serve a living God. There will be peace in this country..."

FNB stadium fills up for a national prayer day organised by the Motsepe Foundation
FNB stadium fills up for a national prayer day organised by the Motsepe Foundation
Image: Nonkululeko Njilo

The congregants travelled from various provinces in cars and busses, with vehicles with registration numbers from Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Free State and Northwest parked outside the stadium.

Radio personalities took turns in making announcements. Amaza Ntshanga, Mroza Buthelezi and LTK were some of the radio hosts who were keeping the crowds entertained.

According to the Motsepe foundation website, the aim of the prayer day was to:

  • pray for the unity of all South Africans of all races and languages;
  • pray for an end to poverty, corruption and crime, particularly crimes against women and children;
  • pray for the creation of jobs, equality of opportunities and the provision of quality education and skills;
  • pray for the current land reform discussions to result in land being made available for black people living in the rural and urban areas and to their communities and for a successful and secure future for black and white farmers;
  • pray for peaceful, fair and just elections in 2019;
  • pray for God’s guidance, leadership and blessings for a bright future for all South Africans.
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