Netcare and Robben Island Museum to give free CPR lessons in honour of Mandela

15 July 2023 - 12:54
By Sipokazi Fokazi
Netcare 911 and Robben Island Museum have partnered to offer free first aid training to the pubic on Nelson Mandela Day to honour his legacy.
Image: 123RF/pixelaway Netcare 911 and Robben Island Museum have partnered to offer free first aid training to the pubic on Nelson Mandela Day to honour his legacy.

Emergencies happen when we least expect it, and not knowing how to react can lead to dire consequences, including death. 

But to mark Mandela Day on July 18, Robben Island Museum, where former statesman Nelson Mandela was incarcerated, is marking the day by teaching people how to save lives. The museum has partnered with private hospital group Netcare to offer free first aid training.

The teams from Netcare and Netcare 911 will be hosting two-hour cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training sessions on Robben Island and in the Robben Island Auditorium at Cape Town's V&A Waterfront on July 18 between 9am and 3pm. 

“By learning basic first aid, including CPR, anyone can make a contribution to society because you never know when someone’s life may depend on these skills,” says Amanda Klette, Netcare’s trauma programme manager in the Western Cape. 

“The CPR training takes a little more than 67 minutes, yet investing just two hours of your day will empower you with this important life-saving technique for the rest of your life. There is no cost for this training, join in at this historic landmark and learn how to save a life.”

This initiative kicks off a weekend of national CPR training on July 23 and 24. In honour of Mandela, Netcare emergency department staff have identified parks in their communities where they will teach CPR to the public. 

“If a person's heart stops beating, such as in a heart attack, and if the person isn't breathing, CPR should begin immediately until emergency medical practitioners arrive,” says Dayne Olsen, Netcare 911 operations manager. 

“Early recognition of cardiac arrest, the activation of appropriate emergency medical services and early CPR are crucial elements in the chain of survival. CPR is the foundation for securing the best possible outcomes and chances of survival.”