Sassa official, two women arrested for disability grant fraud

03 July 2024 - 21:02 By TImesLIVE
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Mphegwa Elisa Modjadji, left, Malekutu Walter Ramoshaba, centre, and Lefupana Mahloatjie Mamatome have been charged with fraud.
Mphegwa Elisa Modjadji, left, Malekutu Walter Ramoshaba, centre, and Lefupana Mahloatjie Mamatome have been charged with fraud.
Image: Supplied

Two women and a Sassa official are expected to return to the Kgapane magistrate's court on Thursday for allegedly submitting fraudulent documents for a disability grant.

Mphekgwana Elisa Modjadji, 59, Lefupane Mahloatlie Mamotome, 58, and Malekutu Walter Ramoshaba, 48, were charged with fraud after they were arrested in Limpopo on Tuesday.

This is after Modjadji and Mamotome went to the Bolobedu Sassa office in Kgapane to apply for disability grants on May 26 2021 and December 23 2021 respectively. A Sassa official gave the two application forms to be completed by government doctors, said Hawks spokesperson Col Katlego Mogale.

“The forms were then completed but not approved as the two ladies did not qualify for disability grants. The forms were resubmitted with amendments enabling the pair to be approved,” Mogale said.

However, a capturing clerk suspected foul play and reported the matter to the Hawks serious corruption investigation unit.

The investigation discovered that the handwriting on the documents was that of a Sassa employee, said Mogale.

The case was postponed to Thursday for a formal bail application.


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