Yes, your phone is eavesdropping on you

But there are ways to stop sonic snooping

21 April 2023 - 12:17
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More than a third of people globally say they have been the victim of sonic snooping — where an ad appears on their devices for something they recently talked about or watched on TV. Stock Image.
More than a third of people globally say they have been the victim of sonic snooping — where an ad appears on their devices for something they recently talked about or watched on TV. Stock Image.
Image: 123RF/Nenetus

Do you feel as though your mobile device is listening to your conversations and spying on you? Your suspicion may be spot-on.

New research conducted by international cybersecurity company NordVPN among more than 10,000 people from 11 countries found 36% of them have seen an ad for a product or service pop up on their phones soon after talking about it or watching something on TV.

Almost 58% admitted they have no idea how to prevent this from happening, and 42% who noticed the adverts said it made them feel tracked or followed.

Rather than devices reading your mind, this personalised product placement is due to a type of data monitoring called ultrasonic cross-device tracking.

This is where apps on your smartphone listen in to background noise, including conversations, to gather more information about you.

The research report said cross-device tracking is a controversial marketing technique: “Users often don’t know companies are tracking them across several devices, raising transparency and privacy concerns.” 

Cross-device tracking involves several techniques — such as cookies, tracking pixels and fingerprinting — linking user activity across multiple devices.

“Perhaps the most concerning approach is using ultrasonic beacons — inaudible sounds with encoded data through which a listening device can receive information. Humans can’t hear these sounds because their frequency is too high (generally above 18 kHz), but they can be detected by smart devices (like your phone or laptop).

“For example, you may be watching TV when an ad for toothpaste comes on. Without you knowing, the TV ad contains embedded ultrasonic beacons.

“While the ad plays, your phone’s microphone listens to the beacons (if it has the right permissions). You pick up the phone, go on social media, and see the same ad you’ve just seen on TV. Coincidence? No, just highly advanced and elaborate marketing,” the report states.

Information showing people’s behaviour across devices is extremely valuable to companies, but this type of tracking is controversial because of its lack of transparency and security concerns concerning consumers’ data

Smartphones are by far the most common place to find these tailored ads. Most people who recognised the phenomenon first spotted it on their handsets, with some seeing it on their computers or tablets.

Information showing people’s behaviour across devices is extremely valuable to companies, but this type of tracking is controversial because of its lack of transparency and security concerns concerning consumers’ data.

“While it’s impossible to stop the ultrasonic beacons working, you can reduce the chance of your smartphone listening for them by simply restricting unnecessary permissions you have granted to the apps on your device,” said Adrianus Warmenhoven, a cybersecurity adviser at NordVPN.  

Lexis Nexis said on its website companies must be transparent about cross device tracking so as not to infringe on people's privacy rights.

“If your company uses data collected via cross-device tracking collection methods, be transparent about the data collected, how it is collected and the intended use for the data,” said Lexis Nexis.

Top tips to keep snooping devices at bay

Change app permissions: The apps on your smartphone may have some permissions that are not required. For instance, why would a photo editing app need access to your microphone? If apps on your phone have such non-required permissions, you should revoke these permissions. Apple requires apps to ask your permission before tracking you or your iPhone across websites or apps owned by other companies, and you can turn this off for all apps. All changes to app permissions can usually be done in the privacy settings on your device.

Use a private browser: If you want to keep yourself from tracking, it is best to use a private browser like Tor or DuckDuckGo rather than the incognito mode in Google Chrome. These browsers do not profile you or save any of your personal data for sharing with marketers.

Use a VPN: One of the best ways to protect yourself from being tracked is by using a VPN. A VPN is a tool that encrypts every bit of information about your internet activity. It also stops IP-based tracking because it masks your IP address.


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