20 years to break schools backlog

24 March 2010 - 01:24 By NKULULEKO NCANA
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Image: Times Media

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga told Parliament that it would take 20 years to eliminate the R140-billion backlog in school infrastructure.

Delivering her budget vote, Motshekga said the financial allocations to her department were not sufficient to build the infrastructure needed.

Her department has been given R6.166-billion for the 2010-2011 financial year.

"We will not live up to our claim that every child is a national asset if we do not concentrate our efforts on tackling the immense infrastructural challenges," said Motshekga.

Her department is working on new funding models and an "accelerated schools infrastructure programme" with the Development Bank of SA and the Treasury.

Motshekga said her department would work "tirelessly" to improve unsatisfactory school results, particularly those of black pupils.

"We need to turn the system around with bold targets and initiatives that are carefully crafted and executed, and pay attention to the already fragile nature of the system and the people who work in it," she said

Basic education parliamentary portfolio committee chairwoman Fatima Chohan-Kota said that educators and parents would have to play a central role in ensuring that pupils get the required quality of education.

"Teachers must be in classes teaching [and] parents must make sure that children get to school on time," she said.

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