Murderous dad heads for jail

01 April 2011 - 00:49 By NASHIRA DAVIDS
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In 2006 Superintendent Marius van der Westhuizen, then deputy commander of Claremont police station in Cape Town, killed his three children before trying to kill himself.

Today he will report to Pollsmoor prison to start his 24-year jail term. His lawyer, Milton de la Harpe, said Van der Westhuizen was "coping under the circumstances".

But his wife, Captain Charlotte van der Westhuizen, is taking strain. Charlotte's lawyer, Gerhard van Niekerk, said the situation was extremely difficult for her.

"Her husband is going to jail for 24 years. But he was the man who took away her children. In a sense she had to be strong all these years for her children," Van Niekerk said. "She had to ensure that justice is done for them. All of this has put tremendous strain on her."

Charlotte had to endure 62 days in court for the murder trial and then flew to Bloemfontein for his appeal.

"Now everything is over, but soon we will start divorce proceedings," said Van Niekerk. "It was decided to wait for the criminal matter to run its course."

In a press statement, Charlotte extended her "heartfelt gratitude and thanks" to prosecutor Morne Julies, the police, family and friends.

Marius should have started his jail term yesterday but De la Harpe said there had been problems with his documentation.

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