19 in court for killing Zimbabwean

17 August 2011 - 13:41 By Sapa
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Image: Times Media Group

Nineteen people, including an ANC councillor, appeared in the Seshego Magistrate's Court for allegedly stoning a Zimbabwean national to death, says Limpopo police.

Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said the case was postponed to 10 October.

They were charged with murder, public violence, malicious damage to property and incitement.

Four of the accused are minors aged between 14 and 17.

Godfrey Sibanda was stoned to death during an attack on foreign nationals on 13 June.

Mulaudzi said allegations of criminal activity were levelled against foreign nationals in the area and a group of people began to intimidate them.

"Unfortunately... [Sibanda] was cornered by this group and then they stoned him to death. Other victims had their houses vandalised and their belongings were thrown out of their houses."


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