Agang bigwigs to go public

30 April 2013 - 03:34 By DENISE WILLIAMS
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Founder of Agang Mamphela Ramphele gets ready to speak at Wits University yesterday. She urged South Africans to overcome their fear of opposing the ANC government
Founder of Agang Mamphela Ramphele gets ready to speak at Wits University yesterday. She urged South Africans to overcome their fear of opposing the ANC government

The bigwigs of the up-and-coming political party Agang, headed by struggle stalwart and businesswoman Dr Mamphela Ramphele, will be made public this week.

Spokesman John Allen said yesterday that Agang was preparing paperwork and collecting signatures to register the party with the Independent Electoral Commission ahead of next year's general election.

The launch date for the party was expected some time in June at an as-yet undisclosed location. "We plan to announce key top-level staff appointments during this week. Watch our space." said Allen.

Allen said the party was talking to a wide range of South Africans and also "consulting" with other political parties.

It had been reported that Agang might be incorporated into the DA, but this was disputed by Ramphele, who said she was "not a joiner".

Party heads could include co-founding member Moeletsi Mbeki; chief of staff Zohra Dawood; Mills Soko, Agang's policy director; and Tim Knapp, the chief of staff.

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