Booysen's 'good friend' lied to police

09 October 2013 - 02:51 By NASHIRA DAVIDS
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Image: Shelley Christians

Anene Booysen danced and downed beers with a close friend at a Bredasdorp pub not long before she was found by a security guard - disembowelled and with her eyes swollen shut.

She had been raped and died hours later in hospital.

Yesterday, Johannes Kana, charged with her rape and murder, appeared in the Swellendam Circuit Court.

The 17-year-old girl's last few hours before the attack were recreated from the testimony of her "good friend" Chrisna Mentoor.

The two had lived together.

Mentoor confessed to the court that she had lied to the police to protect Kana from arrest.

The nightmare started on February 1. Mentoor had been drinking at a house with five male friends, including Kana.

After midnight, they continued their beer-drinking binge at a nearby pub. Kana and the men danced.

"I saw Anene standing at the pool table. I called to her to join us," said Mentoor.

"She sat with us and ... we drank together. Anene and Essie [Mentoor's cousin] danced at the table."

They drank until the pub closed and were standing outside when Booysen's mother, Corlia Olivier, arrived and demanded that she come home.

"Anene and her mother argued and Corlia left."

Eventually, she said, Kana walked Booysen home and she left in another direction with the other men.

After Booysen was found, police took a statement from Mentoor, who lied by saying that Kana had walked home with her and not with Booysen.

"Why?" asked prosecutor Maria Marshall.

"I wanted to protect him because he did not like it when men laid their hands on women," she replied.

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