Pinetown death-truck driver's license was fake

16 October 2013 - 15:14 By Sapa
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Supporters console truck driver Sanele May in the Pinetown Magistrate's Court. May, wearing a hand-stitched blanket made by a support group member, faces 23 counts of murder in connection with a road accident last year. File Photo
Supporters console truck driver Sanele May in the Pinetown Magistrate's Court. May, wearing a hand-stitched blanket made by a support group member, faces 23 counts of murder in connection with a road accident last year. File Photo

The driver accused of killing 24 people when his truck crashed into four minibus taxis and two cars had a fake public driving permit, the Pinetown Magistrate's Court was told.

Detective Warrant Officer Sanjeev Singh said officials from Swaziland's transport department had confirmed that May's public driving permit, which allowed him to drive trucks and is recognised in South Africa, was a fake.

Singh said that although May did have a driver's licence, he would have been legally allowed to apply for his public driving permit only in February 2014.

"I have confirmed his public driving permit is false," he said.

Singh said May had a fake South African traffic register certificate, which he obtained on the basis of his fake Swazi public driving permit.

According to Singh, the certificate in May's possession and bearing his name belonged to another person - Nkosinathi Dladla.

"This means that this document has been falsified."

Singh was giving evidence at May's formal bail application. The State is opposing bail.

On September 6, the truck May was driving hit four fully-laden minibus taxis and two cars on the corner of Field's Hill (M13) and Richmond Road in Pinetown shortly before 7pm.

Twenty-two people died on the scene, and another person died in hospital.

It has emerged that another person died last Sunday.

May was initially charged with culpable homicide, but this was later changed to 23 counts of murder and a charge of reckless or negligent driving.

On Wednesday, it was announced in court that May had been charged with 24 counts of murder.

May's supporters packed the court on Wednesday.

He had a colourful, quilted blanket over his head when he entered the court. Scores of press photographers took pictures of him and filmed his entrance.

The court was also told that May was illegally in the country and did not have a work permit.

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