Athletics plays Who's the Boss?

03 December 2013 - 02:03 By DAVID ISAACSON
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The interim board of Athletics SA is to warn ousted president James Evans against using official letterheads and claiming that he is still in charge.

Interim director Sello Mokoena said a letter would be sent to Evans, who on Sunday issued a statement insisting he was still the president and that the meeting that voted him out on Saturday was illegally constituted.

Evans also warned the association that it was at risk of being suspended by the International Amateur Athletics Federation.

"We're not responding to the statement," said Mokoena.

"That statement was unsigned. But we will issue a letter to him warning him not to use official ASA letterheads and not to purport to be the president."

He added that the annual general meeting that ousted Evans had been legally constituted.

Mokoena said letters explaining the change of leadership would be sent to the IAAF, SA Sports Confederation Olympic Committee and the Department of Sport and Recreation.

ASA hopes Sascoc will soon lift its suspension, which prevents athletes from being selected for events such as the Commonwealth Games.

Mokoena said the interim committee was trying to get financial backing for ASA.

"We know we need a rescue package but where we get it from is a matter of discussion," he said.

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