What if Jantjie had acted like Tsafendas?

17 December 2013 - 02:01 By The Times Readers
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This is scary stuff. Have we forgotten Dimitri Tsafendas, who assassinated Hendrik Verwoerd, because a tapeworm told Tsafendas to do the deed?

Now recall Jacob Zuma, Barack Obama et al with Thamsanqa Jantjie standing behind them.

It could well have been a disaster such as the world had never seen before.

Never mind the Nelson Mandela memorial service being the largest in the world; it would have paled into insignificance if Jantjie had pulled a similar stunt on any of the world leaders. - Witbanker

The fake sign language interpreter is just a reflection of the present ANC government fooling the majority of their own people. - Mike, by e-mail

I don't see what all the fuss is about. This sign language interpreter did his job as competently as any ANC appointed person ever has, and probably acted with more honesty and integrity. Just another example of misspending of funds, and hiring someone on the basis of race instead of competence. - Still P'ed Off

There cannot be a bigger laughing stock worldwide than our incompetent "security cluster" ministers who have fought so valiantly to hide their and No1's excesses, but enabled a potential threat to rub shoulders with VIPS.

If the minister of security was unaware that his wife was a drug peddler, he wouldn't see a security threat if it bit him on his ample butt. - Jack, by e-mail

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