The year that was, in celebs' own words

19 December 2013 - 02:05 By ANDILE NDLOVU
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PACMOM: Freshlyground's Zolani Mahola sings at a tribute to Nelson Mandela
PACMOM: Freshlyground's Zolani Mahola sings at a tribute to Nelson Mandela

The Times picked some quotes from a bottomless well to remind us of the year that was in celebville.

  • "I saw blood on my fingers. I have never been that scared in my life. All I could think was that these men were going to shoot me if I got out of the car." - rapper Khuli Chana after surviving a police shooting in October.
  • "I must have used cocaine all night because the sunrise found me naked on the balcony outside in full view of the neighbours." - Zoleka Mandela in her memoir When Hope Whispers.
  • "It was more like office [romance]. We never went out to watch movies [or] for lunch and dinners. I wouldn't risk taking out a woman, as a public figure." - suspended Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi talking about his extra-marital affair on Carte Blanche .
  • "I have a licence to eat. I've realised that you're only pregnant once, or perhaps a few times in your life, and it's okay - you can gain 10kg " - Freshlyground's Zolani Mahola about the joys of falling pregnant for the first time.
  • "She died in my arms. We were deeply in love and I could not be happier." - Oscar Pistorius during his bail application after being arrested for the alleged murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. He argued that he shot her by mistake.
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