Mandela memorial fake sign language interpreter pokes fun at himself in ad

08 May 2014 - 12:13 By TimesLIVE
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BOGUS PERFORMANCE: Thamsanqa Jantjie makes gestures during a speech at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela at the FNB Stadium this week
BOGUS PERFORMANCE: Thamsanqa Jantjie makes gestures during a speech at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela at the FNB Stadium this week

Thamsanqa Jantjie gained infamy around the world for nonsensical sign language interpretation at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service.

According to Sowetan LIVE, an Israeli company has now hired him to be the face of its product in a new advertising campaign.

The advertisement for Livelens has Mr Jantjie poking fun at himself.

‘Hi, I’m Thamsanqa Jantjie from Nelson Mandela’s funeral,’ he says.

‘Believe me, I’m a real sign language interpreter,’ he says, as a female voiceover verbalises the sign language as having said: ‘I speak signed language – not.’

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