'Big thud' as tree crashes through pre-school roof in KZN

02 November 2015 - 16:19
By Jeff Wicks, News24

A large tree crashed through the roof of a classroom at a pre-school after being blown over by gale-force winds battering KwaZulu-Natal.

Staff at St Catherine’s School in Empangeni had wisely moved all the children to another building earlier in the morning.

The pre-school’s HOD, Debby Brink, said that thankfully no one had been hurt.

“At about 07:30 this morning there was a huge gale and luckily we had all the children indoors because of the wind. We heard branches falling on the roof and then this big thud,” she told News24.

The large tree had fallen into the school’s courtyard and branches had broken through a section of the roof in one classroom.

“We notified all the parents about what had happened and some came to fetch their kids but the majority are still here and we are continuing with the day.

“They have all drawn pictures about what happened and they have all calmed down.

"We are just really thankful that our guardian angels were watching over us and that no one was harmed. The clean-up operation has already begun,” Brink said.

Source: News24