Free State man gets 27-year jail term for pregnant girlfriend’s murder

24 May 2023 - 22:15
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A man has been sentenced to 27 years in prison for his pregnant girlfriend's murder.
A man has been sentenced to 27 years in prison for his pregnant girlfriend's murder.
Image: 123RF/Stockstudio44

The Free State high court has slapped a 24-year-old man who assaulted and stabbed his heavily pregnant girlfriend with a lengthy prison sentence.

Thabang Patrick Lehahla was given to 27 years and six months direct imprisonment for the murder of his 20-year-old girlfriend, Tshepiso Innocentia Molupe, as well as previous domestic violence cases that were later linked to him, said Free State police spokesperson sergeant Josephine Rani.

"On May 29, 2022, Lehahla arrived home drunk and a fight over money ensued between the couple. He assaulted the seven-month-pregnant girlfriend with his hands and a broom stick before stabbing her with an unknown sharp object.

"That same day, at about 1:45pm, Lehahla's mother arrived from church and found the deceased lying on the floor of the house unresponsive. She then contacted the ambulance as well as police and Molupe was declared dead by the emergency services," sergeant Rani said.

Lehahla had already fled the scene but investigation by police led to his apprehension at a nearby house that same day.

During the investigation, the investigating officer detective warrant officer Rodger  Kirkpatrick obtained a profile of the accused and reopened nine contact-related cases. These relate to gender-based violence cases where Lehahla was fingered as the perpetrator.

The office of the director of public prosecutions in Bloemfontein applauded the investigating officer for the great work he did in the case.

Fezile Dabi district commissioner, major general Moses Makubo, also welcomed the sentence, saying: "Gender-based violence is a social injustice, killing innocent women and children. I condemn it in the strongest possible way. I want to thank the investigating officer for his exceptional work ethic, which contributed to the gears of the justice system turning to secure the successful prosecution of the accused."


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