WATCH | Nandos mulls extra security measures after ‘attempted hijacking’ at Tshwane outlet

10 June 2023 - 12:00
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Fast-food chain Nando’s has confirmed an incident at its Nelpark two weeks ago. File photo.
Fast-food chain Nando’s has confirmed an incident at its Nelpark two weeks ago. File photo.
Image: File photo

Popular fast-food chain Nando's says it is looking into implementing additional “safety initiatives” at one of its outlets after video footage captured what appeared to be an attempted hijacking at its drive-through in Tshwane.

CCTV footage on May 28 captured the incident at Nando’s Nelpark in Philip Nel Park at about 8.43pm.

In the video, an armed suspect and his two accomplices are seen approaching a motorist's vehicle as he collects his order. A scuffle then breaks out between the two before the suspects run off as the motorist takes out a firearm and fires at the suspects.

Nando's spokesperson Nontobeko Sibiya said in a statement the company was “horrified” by the incident.

Explaining what happened, it said: “This brazen criminality resulted in our customer firing gunshots at the [alleged] perpetrators in response to the attack. The police responded to the incident and arrived on the scene. The case is under investigation.

“The safety of our customers remains paramount to us. In this regard, we are looking to put some extra safety initiatives in place — these include: closing our drive-through channel 15 minutes before closing time to reduce the risk, and introducing more lighting as a deterrent.”

The fast-food chain hailed the conduct of its staff members, confirming they had received trauma counselling after the incident and would continue receiving the necessary support.

“We encourage all South Africans to be vigilant and remain aware of their surroundings at all times,” Sibiya said.

Police have been approached for comment.


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