WATCH | Crawford College substitute teacher seen writing racist phrases on board removed

26 July 2023 - 07:59
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A 22-second video clip showed a white teacher writing offensive terms used to refer to black people in the US and South Africa. File photo.
A 22-second video clip showed a white teacher writing offensive terms used to refer to black people in the US and South Africa. File photo.
Image: paylessimages / 123RF Stock Photo

Crawford International College has confirmed the removal of a substitute teacher who was seen writing racist phrases on a board during a lesson.

This comes after a 22-second clip made the rounds on social media showing a white teacher writing offensive terms used to refer to black people in the US and South Africa.

The woman is seen continuing in this vein despite shock and outrage from some pupils in her class.

Gauteng education MEC Matome Chiloane was among those who shared the video, captioning it as “rubbish” while tagging the private school.

Crawford confirmed the incident happened at its Pretoria campus and that the woman captured was a substitute teacher.

“We have been made aware of a video circulating which contains footage of an unacceptable nature. The individual involved is a short-term temporary substitute teacher brought in a week ago to relieve for a permanent teacher who is  on sick leave.

“The temporary teacher has been informed not to resume her duties, and the school reserves its rights regarding further action.

“At Crawford International Pretoria College we firmly denounce any form of prejudice or discrimination in any capacity. We deeply regret the incident and any offence it may have caused. Our commitment to maintaining an environment of respect, diversity and inclusion remains steadfast,” the school said in a statement which was also shared by the education MEC.


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