Woman who planned her husband's murder sentenced to 25 years in jail

04 June 2024 - 16:23 By TIMESLIVE
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Kedibone Lonia Nyathi contracted three young men to block a road and kill her husband in December 2022.
Kedibone Lonia Nyathi contracted three young men to block a road and kill her husband in December 2022.
Image: NPA Communications

Kedibone Lonia Nyathi was on Tuesday sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment by the Polokwane high court after she pleaded guilty to killing her husband Sandy Nyathi.

The accused, 47, was previously charged with Remember Surprise Malepe, 19, Ethen Raganya, 18, and Poopo Ventry Mabela, 18, whom she had contracted to kill her husband.   

The three entered into a plea and sentencing agreement with the state and Malepe was sentenced to 10 years while Raganya and Mabela were sentenced to eight years each.

They testified against Nyathi for the murder on December 3 2022 in Enable village in Mopani.  

While she earlier indicated she intended to plead not guilty, she changed her mind and negotiated a guilty plea with the state.  

“Her plea and sentence agreement revealed she contracted the former co-accused to kill her husband for R15,000. She asked her accomplices to stage a hijacking by barricading the road where she would pass with the deceased,” National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi said. 

On the day of the murder she drove her husband to work and stopped where the road had been blocked before asking her husband to remove objects thrown on to the road.  

“The deceased alighted from the vehicle and that’s when [he] was stabbed to death by the former accused and one of the former co-accused pretended to attack her,” Malabi-Dzhangi said. 

Limpopo director of public prosecutions Ivy Thenga commended state advocate Nkhetheni Munyai and investigating officer Det-Sgt Sello Rony Maepa of Maake police station for building an insurmountable case against Nyathi which left her with no option but to plead guilty. 


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