British PM Cameron calls Lockerbie bomber release wrong

19 July 2010 - 22:38 By Sapa-dpa
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British Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron blasted Monday the decision made by Scotland a year ago to free Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi on humanitarian grounds.

In remarks to BBC, Cameron called the move “completely and utterly wrong” and pointed out that at the time, when he was leader of the opposition in British parliament, he had made this point clear.

Cameron’s remarks come on the eve of his visit to the United States, where the issue of the release of al-Megrahi has raised new controversy in light of allegations that embattled oil concern BP had put pressure on Scotland in a bid to gain access to Libyan oil fields.

The Scotland government, which exercises limited powers within the United Kingdom, at the time released al-Megrahi on humanitarian grounds in August 2009.

At the time, it was said he was in an advanced stage of cancer and had only a few months left to live.

Al-Megrahi, now 58, was the only person ever convicted in the December 21, 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, killing all 259 people on board and 11 people on the ground at the crash site of Lockerbie, Scotland.

Beyond Cameron’s statement, apparently no further action or investigation of the al-Megrahi release was being considered.

Downing Street said government-commissioned inquiry was “not currently under consideration,” BBC reported.

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