Turkey’s Hatay hit by 6.4-magnitude earthquake

20 February 2023 - 22:16 By Patrick Sykes
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A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey’s southeastern Hatay province, the Istanbul-based Kandilli Observatory said on Twitter.
A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey’s southeastern Hatay province, the Istanbul-based Kandilli Observatory said on Twitter.
Image: Bloomberg

A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey’s southeastern Hatay province, the Istanbul-based Kandilli Observatory said on Twitter.

The quake was at a depth of 7.7km, it said.

Some buildings that were damaged in the deadly twin quakes two weeks ago collapsed in the tremor, CNN Turk reported, citing eyewitnesses.

Vice-President Fuat Oktay said on Twitter that investigations were ongoing and warned citizens to stay away from damaged buildings.

Hatay was one of the ten provinces hit by two earthquakes on February 6 that killed over 41,000 people in Turkey and thousands more in neighbouring Syria.

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