UN rights body set to clash over Koran burning motion

10 July 2023 - 11:00 By Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber and Emma Farge
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A screengrab shows a demonstrator burning the Koran outside Stockholm's central mosque after tearing pieces out of it in Sweden on June 28 2023.
A screengrab shows a demonstrator burning the Koran outside Stockholm's central mosque after tearing pieces out of it in Sweden on June 28 2023.
Image: REUTERS/Marie Mannes

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is set to debate a contentious draft proposal on religious hatred in the wake of a Koran burning in Sweden, an initiative that has highlighted rifts in the UN body and challenged practices in human rights protection.

In a draft resolution presented by Pakistan on behalf of the 57-nation Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the group described the burning of the Koran in Stockholm last month as “offensive, disrespectful and a clear act of provocation” that incites hatred and constitutes a human rights violation.

The draft, which condemned “recurring acts of public burning of the Holy Koran in some European and other countries”, has stoked opposition from Western diplomats who argue it aims to safeguard religious symbols rather than human rights.

“We don't like the text,” one Western diplomat said of the draft, which will be presented to the HRC in Geneva on Tuesday.

“Human rights are supposed to be attached to individuals, not to religions.”

The OIC initiative also stokes tensions between Western states and the Islamic organisation at a time when the group has unprecedented clout in the council, the only body made up of governments to protect human rights worldwide.

Nineteen OIC countries are voting members of the 47-member council, and other states such as China have aligned with their draft resolution.

It remains to be seen whether Pakistan will succeed in rallying all OIC countries behind it. A Saudi-led effort to end a Yemen war crimes probe prevailed in 2021.

“If the resolution passes, as seems likely, it will strengthen the impression the council is flipping and the West is losing ground on key debates such as the boundary between free speech and hate speech, and whether religions have rights,” said Marc Limon, director of the Geneva-based Universal Rights Group.

“This could make the council explode in acrimony.”

The EU has urged parties to reach a consensus on the issue.

“Defamation of religions has been a difficult topic for decades within the UN,” an EU diplomat said in negotiations last week.

“The question on where to draw the line between freedom of expression and incitement to hatred is indeed very complicated.”


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