Interest from countries to join Brics shows its relevance, Lula says

24 August 2023 - 10:47
By Sergio Goncalves
“We will remain open to new candidates,” Lula said at a news conference in Joburg. File photo.
Image: REUTERS/Adriano Machado “We will remain open to new candidates,” Lula said at a news conference in Joburg. File photo.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Thursday said the interest of other countries to join the Brics organisation showed how relevant its pursuit for a new world economic order is.

“We will remain open to new candidates,” Lula said at a news conference held in Johannesburg.

Argentina, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia have shown interest in joining the Brics organisation, he said, adding Iran was also interested.

During a summit held in SA, the Brics group of nations also approved a resolution to study in the future the creation of “a new currency of payments”.
