ANC failing: DA's Maimane

20 August 2013 - 17:35 By Sapa
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DA spokesman Mmusi Maimane. File photo.
DA spokesman Mmusi Maimane. File photo.

The African National Congress under President Jacob Zuma has moved away from the vision of its predecessors, the DA's candidate for Gauteng premier, Mmusi Maimane, said.

"Instead of non-racialism, we are retreating back into the politics of division. Instead of reversing the legacy of apartheid, our people remain as impoverished as they ever were," Maimane told Tshwane University of Technology students in Soshanguve, Pretoria.

He said the province needed to create jobs.

"It starts with getting the basics of government right, stopping corruption and appointing the right people in the right places."

Corruption meant economic opportunities were only reserved for the connected few, Maimane said.

"We will always remain grateful for those who liberated us, but we cannot allow our choices for the future to be constrained by what happened in the past."

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