DA march for 'real' jobs won't end at Luthuli House

11 February 2014 - 17:05 By Sapa
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The DA's march for 'real' jobs will not end outside the ANC's headquarters in Johannesburg as initially planned, the party said on Tuesday.

"We are disappointed that we can't march directly to Luthuli House but we still feel that we will be able to make our voice heard," DA spokesman Cameron Arendse said.

The party would instead march to Beyers Naude Square, a block away from Luthuli House on Wednesday.

Arendse said the Johannesburg metro department had set the perimeters where the DA's march would end.

The march would be led by DA leader Helen Zille, DA parliamentary leader Lindiwe Mazibuko, DA Gauteng premier candidate Mmusi Maimane, DA federal chairman Wilmot James, and youth leader Mbali Ntuli.

Arendse said the march would expose the African National Congress's promise of six million "work opportunities" as nothing more than temporary public works placements, and contrast them with the six million "real" jobs the DA would create if elected to national government.

Earlier this month, the Johannesburg Magistrate's Court overturned a decision by the police to deny the DA permission to march to the ANC's headquarters.

At the time, Johannesburg metro police spokesman Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar said: "The protest march by the DA... has been prohibited on the grounds that there would be a security risk to protesters."

The march was originally planned for last week but the party postponed it due to logistical reasons.

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