IEC wants you to have your say on fee for independent candidates contesting elections

03 August 2023 - 08:18
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The Electoral Commission recently published a large volume of draft regulations for the public to have their say. File photo.
The Electoral Commission recently published a large volume of draft regulations for the public to have their say. File photo.
Image: Alaister Russell/The Sunday Times.

South Africans have until August 27 to comment on regulations supporting the Electoral Amendment Act which will see a new framework for the participation of independent candidates in national and provincial elections. 

Calling for public comment, the Electoral Commission on Wednesday reminded the public that it recently published a large volume of draft regulations for the public to have their say.   

There are six published draft regulations: 

  • The amendment to the election's regulations.
  • The amendment to the voter registration regulations. 
  • The amendment to the regulations relating to activities permissible outside voting stations on voting day. 
  • The amendment to the regulations for the registration of political parties. 
  • The amendment to regulations on party liaison committees. 
  • The amendment to the regulation concerning submissions of candidates. 

To comment on the commission's proposals in the six drafts, visit: 

Currently, political parties are required to pay R200,000 to participate in all elections and the proposed amount is R300,000. However, if a political party participates in the national elections and at least one regional election, the proposed fee is R200,000 plus R25,000 per regional election.

If a political party wishes to participate in a provincial legislature election, the fee remains R45,000 per legislature election.

Two new tiers have been introduced for independent candidates.

An independent candidate wishing to participate in a National Assembly election will have to fork out a deposit of R20,000 per regional election while at provincial level, the amount is R15,000 for a legislature in a province in which the independent candidate is registered.

This is the commission’s first adjustment figures for political parties since 2014.

The government gazettes on the six amendments to regulations and proposed election deposits can be found on   


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