Long queues at Durban voting stations just before polls close

29 May 2024 - 21:10 By ZIMASA MATIWANE
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Thirty minutes before the polls close at 9pm, voters in Durban were still standing in long queues at Albert Park, Durban City Hall and Addington Primary School.
Thirty minutes before the polls close at 9pm, voters in Durban were still standing in long queues at Albert Park, Durban City Hall and Addington Primary School.
Image: X/Zimasa Matiwane

Thirty minutes before the polls close at 9pm, voters in Durban were still standing in long queues at Albert Park, Durban City Hall and Addington Primary School.

Queues were beginning to get longer as the final hour to cast votes drew near.

At the longest queue — snaking around seven buildings from the voting station door to two streets down to the harbour — voters were adamant they would vote, even if at midnight.

People at the front of the queue said they had been waiting for three hours and were glad their turn had come.

The voting station is  near raw sewage spilling down the street, but voters said the smell would not deter them.


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