ANC cruising in Limpopo with 75% vote lead, MK Party on 1%

31 May 2024 - 19:16 By SINESIPHO SCHRIEBER
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President Cyril Ramaphosa's party doing well in some provinces as it struggles to retain majority nationally on second day of vote count.
President Cyril Ramaphosa's party doing well in some provinces as it struggles to retain majority nationally on second day of vote count.
Image: Freddy Mavunda © Business Day

While the ANC is struggling to retain a majority in some provinces, in Limpopo it was doing well on the second day of the counting of votes. 

The governing party had 75.60% of 60.30% votes counted in the province by Friday evening. The EFF was trailing behind at 11.61% and the DA at 6.02%.

Jacob Zuma’s MK Party (MKP) only had 1.04% votes in the province. 

The province is an ANC stronghold. In the 2019 elections the ANC won with 77.00 % and in 2014 it won with 78.97 % of the votes in the province.

There was a dispute in the province at one of the voting stations in Letaba on Thursday after party agents could not agree on result figures. 

Limpopo electoral officer Nkaro Mateta said the commission had sent a team to resolve the dispute.

Screenshot of election results.
Screenshot of election results.
Image: Screenshot

The ANC was also leading in the Eastern Cape with 65.44% of 79.44% votes counted on Friday evening. The DA was on 12.21%.

Meanwhile, in the Northern Cape the party’s dominance was dealt a blow on Friday after 100% of the votes were counted and it only had 49.30%. No party won an outright majority in the province. The DA tallied 21.22% and the EFF had 12.89% of the votes.

In the 2019 national elections, the ANC won the province with 58.23%.



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