From gang boss to MP: PA’s McKenzie reflects on life of gangsterism

05 June 2024 - 12:36
By Modiegi Mashamaite
Gayton McKenzie moved from being a law breaker to being a law maker.
Image: Gayton McKenzie Facebook Gayton McKenzie moved from being a law breaker to being a law maker.

From being a law breaker to becoming a law maker, Patriotic Alliance (PA) leader Gayton McKenzie believes he is a living testament of redemption as he will soon become an MP after troubled beginnings as a teenage gang boss.

In a candid X thread on Tuesday, he detailed how his teenage years were a cycle of incarceration and criminal activity.

“I joined the gangs at age 13 as an ice boy, and by age 15 I was a soldier of the gang, and at 16 I started my own gang. My life consisted of going in and out of jail. I soon became a wanted person by divisions of the police,” he recounted. 

McKenzie, who was arrested at the age of 21 and sentenced to 17 years in Grootvlei maximum prison, said for him being imprisoned was a badge of honour. 

“I was over the moon because I am being certified. Going to jail or killing someone in the gangster world means you have made your bones,” he explained.

In prison, he continued his criminal ways, rising to a position of power within the jail gang hierarchy.

“Soon I ruled the whole prison and nothing would happen without my say so,” he said.

After a decade behind bars, McKenzie was released and embarked on a journey of redemption.

His first job at Chubb Security paid only R1,000 per month, but within four years he was earning R80,000. 

“I was released after spending my whole youth in jail, a full decade. I got a job at Chubb Security. First salary was R1,000 per month and after four years I earned R80,000 and played a significant role in the company. I resigned, joined Nike briefly and moved into mining.”

His ventures expanded into different sectors, including nightclubs and a publishing company. He said his success in business made him a millionaire.

A serious car accident was a turning point that restored his faith in God, changed his outlook on life and established his political career.

“The Patriotic Alliance was the joke on social media after every election result, I didn’t give up. I had to find new members after every election because people would leave us after our loss at the polls. I kept going and going,” he said.

In the 2024 elections the PA achieved a milestone by securing nine seats in the National Assembly. 

“No-one is laughing. The laughter didn’t stop me and it shouldn't stop you. I can go from prison to parliament if I wish to go. Your situation can change. You only need one believer and that is you. Don’t listen to the noise of haters. God honours consistency. Stay consistent in all you do.”