WATCH | MPs boycotting parliament first sitting will be 'in breach of their constitutional duty', says legal adviser

11 June 2024 - 11:35 By Innocentia Nkadimeng
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Parliament legal adviser advocate Zuraya Adhikarie said MPs who fail to show up for the first sitting of parliament will be 'in breach of their constitutional duty'.
Parliament legal adviser advocate Zuraya Adhikarie said MPs who fail to show up for the first sitting of parliament will be 'in breach of their constitutional duty'.
Image: Anton Scholtz

As the MK party threatens to boycott the first sitting of parliament, National Assembly legal adviser advocate Zuraya Adhikarie says MPs who do not show up for the first sitting will be “in breach of their constitutional duty”.

Last week, MKP leader Jacob Zuma threatened that the party's 58 MPs would boycott parliament as a form of protest against the May 29 election results.

Parliament is scheduled for its first sitting on Friday to elect the nation's president.

In an interview on Monday, Adhikarie said elected officials have a legal obligation to attend parliamentary sessions and participate in the democratic process. 

“There is a constitutional duty for MPs to conduct its first sitting no later than 14 days from June 2. MPs who fail to appear in the first sitting of parliament will be in breach of their constitutional duty,” she said.

On Monday, parliament announced it cancelled accommodation and flight arrangements for MKP members after the party said its MPs would not attend.

“We have the Financial Management of parliament and the Legislates Act. In terms of the act we can't incur fruitless and wasteful expenditure to the extent that MKP has informed us that they will not be coming. We have nothing else to base our decision on; it would be reckless for us to proceed with these arrangements for 58 members,” she said.

WATCH full interview:

Courtesy of Newzroom Afrika


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