The leadership dilemma: questioning Fikile Mbalula's role in the ANC's future

As South Africa faces unprecedented political transformation, Mbalula must navigate a path honouring the ANC's legacy while addressing contemporary challenges, says the writer.

08 June 2024 - 14:33 By Bayethe Msimang
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ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula.
ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula.
Image: Lubabalo Lesolle/Gallo Images

As the ANC navigates one of the most pivotal moments in its history, Fikile Mbalula, the party's secretary-general, stands at the eye of a political storm. Intricate political manoeuvring, governance challenges and intense international scrutiny characterise this storm. The prospect of a coalition between the ANC and the DA only adds to the complexity. This article explores critical questions surrounding President Cyril Ramaphosa's leadership, the ANC's international standing, and the implications of the proposed coalition.

The role of the ANC in the international arena

Historically, the ANC has valued international solidarity and co-operation as a cornerstone of its identity and strategy. This legacy, rooted in the fight against apartheid, has traditionally guided the ANC's engagement on the global stage. However, recent decisions under Ramaphosa have raised concerns about the party's current international strategy.

One particularly perplexing decision was the exclusion of minister Naledi Pandor from parliament. Pandor, a staunch advocate of Palestinian solidarity and the Non-Aligned Movement has been a significant figure in South Africa's international diplomacy. Her omission suggests a shift in the ANC's priorities, sparking questions about whether Mbalula endorsed this move and what it signals about the party's future direction.

This decision appears counterproductive, potentially undermining the ANC's commitment to global engagement and raising serious questions about its strategic priorities. Mbalula must clarify this shift and ensure the ANC's international engagements remain meaningful and aligned with the party's historical values.

Investment community concerns

Ratings agencies and the broader investment community are closely watching Mbalula's actions, keen to see whether he will support Deputy President Paul Mashatile's efforts to maintain a progressive policy environment. South Africa's economic challenges require a coherent, forward-thinking approach. Mashatile has been praised for his attempts to stabilise and advance the country's policy framework. Will Mbalula support these efforts, or will he pursue a different path that could undermine investor confidence?

The ANC's internal coherence on economic policy is crucial. Any signs of division or inconsistency could exacerbate the already precarious economic situation, deterring investment and undermining efforts to foster sustainable growth. The nation's economic stability relies heavily on partnerships with Cosatu and civil society organisations, which strongly oppose a coalition with the DA. They fear such an alliance under Ramaphosa's leadership could adversely affect workers for the next three decades.

Rating agencies and the broader investment community are closely watching Mbalula's actions, keen to see whether he will support Deputy President Paul Mashatile's efforts to maintain a progressive policy environment.

The coalition conundrum

The potential coalition between the ANC and the DA has thrown South Africa's political landscape into disarray. This possible alliance, while potentially transformative, is riddled with ideological conflicts and historical animosities. Central to these tensions is Mbalula, who has become a focal point of criticism from the DA. The DA has accused him of governance failures, particularly regarding cadre deployment practices, which they argue foster corruption and undermine meritocracy.

The DA's legal challenge against Mbalula for failing to produce documents related to cadre deployment highlights the ideological battle over transparency, accountability, and governance. The DA's aggressive stance is a strategic move to promote its values of meritocratic administration and challenge the ANC's transformative agenda, which they believe has been compromised by corruption and inefficiency.

The potential coalition between the ANC and the DA presents a scenario fraught with challenges and complications. Should these two markedly different entities come together, South Africa could witness an era of increased political instability and public discord.

Implications for the proposed coalition

The fallout from these confrontations poses significant risks for the proposed coalition. The potential sidelining of key political figures from both parties could deepen internal divisions, complicating the coalition's operational dynamics and policy implementations. This discord could undermine the coalition's stability, making effective governance challenging.

The historical and ideological disparities between the ANC and the DA raise questions about the viability of a joint governance strategy. The ANC's commitment to socioeconomic transformation through state intervention contrasts sharply with the DA's liberal economic policies, which aim to reduce state involvement. Finding a unified approach to governance under such a coalition will be an uphill battle.

A precarious path forward

The potential coalition between the ANC and the DA presents a scenario fraught with challenges and complications. Should these two markedly different entities come together, South Africa could witness an era of increased political instability and public discord. This union could trigger a series of scandals and public accusations reminiscent of a less stable political era, potentially causing the public to long for the days of clear ANC dominance and straightforward criticism from the DA.

Fikile Mbalula's historical path: a leader at a crossroads

Mbalula's political journey, from leading the ANC Youth League to becoming the party's secretary-general, has been marked by boldness and a willingness to confront established norms. His tenure as Youth League leader was dynamic, characterised by vigorous advocacy for education, employment and social justice. However, his current role presents new challenges that test his leadership abilities.

Repeating historical mistakes?

Mbalula faces questions about whether he is repeating past mistakes. The coalition with the National Party in the 1990s, intended to foster reconciliation, is often viewed as a period that failed to adequately address the interests of black South Africans. Critics argue that it diluted the ANC's revolutionary fervour and compromised its ability to implement radical socioeconomic reforms.

The potential coalition with the DA raises similar concerns. The DA's track record with black leaders has been controversial, with accusations of using these leaders for political gain only to marginalise them later. Prominent black leaders within the DA have often been sidelined, casting doubt on the party's commitment to genuine inclusivity and transformation.

The DA and cadre deployment controversy

The DA's accusations against Mbalula regarding cadre deployment are part of a broader critique of the ANC's governance. This practice, intended to ensure alignment with ANC policies, has been criticised for fostering corruption and inefficiency. The DA's legal challenge highlights the ideological divide between the two parties and underscores the fundamental differences in their governance philosophies.

Mbalula's leadership at a crossroads

Mbalula's leadership is at a critical juncture. His decisions will significantly influence the direction of the ANC and the potential coalition with the DA. As South Africa faces unprecedented political transformation, Mbalula must navigate a path honouring the ANC's legacy while addressing contemporary challenges.

The potential coalition with the DA presents both opportunities and risks. It could foster a new era of political co-operation and stability, or it could repeat the mistakes of the past, compromising the interests of black South Africans and undermining the ANC's transformative agenda. Mbalula's leadership will be crucial in determining which path the ANC takes. Will he rise to the occasion and steer the ANC towards a future of progress and inclusivity, or will he falter, leading the party into further turmoil? The answers to these questions will shape South Africa's future for years to come.

 * Bayethe Msimang is an independent writer and analyst writing in his personal capacity.

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