Choose an internship programme

07 September 2014 - 02:30 By Margaret Harris
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Internship allow graduates to gain the real-world experience that will provide the skills they need to compete in the job market.

"It is important to stay motivated and enthusiastic during an internship as it is a door to greater opportunities," said David Feinberg, the founder of Internfit.

Feinberg had this advice for graduates looking for good programmes:

Get a sense of the workplace environment that suits you best. Ask yourself if you would like to work in, for example, an environment that is full of energy or one that is more conservative, then try to find an internship that fits;

The main aim of an internship is to gain the knowledge and experience that will help you pursue a successful career. Make sure this is part of any programme you apply for;

The more closely related the programme is to your particular degree, the better. If you join one that is apposite, it will allow you to practise the concepts you have spent the past few years studying at tertiary level;

Internships should expose you to a range of experiences. A more varied programme will help you find your niche in your industry;

Good programmes are used as springboards to full-time employment, rather than a pool of cheap labour. Find out what opportunities there are for being employed after the programme is complete; and

Once you begin your internship, keep your eyes open for warning signs that you may be wasting your time, including getting plenty of negative feedback but no advice on how to improve. 

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