Your Weekly Stars July 1-7

See what the stars have in store for you

30 June 2024 - 00:00
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Sudden paranoia is threatening Cancer's relationship commitments.
Sudden paranoia is threatening Cancer's relationship commitments.
Image: 123RF/captainvector


June 21 — Jul 22

Sudden paranoia is threatening your relationship commitments. You’d better take an urgent look at your fears if you want to hang on to a good thing. Friday’s gorgeous Cancer moon would present the perfect opportunity for rekindling romance. In your spare moments, some office research — into hidden agendas and misleading details — will hold your attention. Just make sure your own conscience is clear.


Jul 23 — Aug 22 

Stop thinking and start doing. This “all mouth, no action” syndrome is distorting your relationships and blocking your progress. How about the kind of trip that offers a change of perspective. Friday’s adventurous new moon will remind you of the wonders of the universe. Meanwhile, some bizarre financial dramas are throwing you temporarily off course. Not too far though. You’ll soon be back at the head of the queue.


Aug 23 — Sep 22

Money’s looking better. Which means you could also be working harder than usual — but you’re fulfilled enough not to mind. You’re probably spending more too — turning your home into the kind of place that nurtures your fragile heart. You may even be contemplating relocating — somewhere quieter. Either way, you’re in charge now. Use Friday’s generous new moon to decide what you want — and get it.


Sep 23 — Oct 22

Unusual — and not entirely kosher — ways of making money are suddenly being offered from all sides. Look carefully before you choose. You’re a completely hopeless criminal — so don’t even try. It’s important never to act out of desperation or blind optimism. And if you’re confused, get some advice ... from a non-Libra. Use Friday’s careful new moon to make some different plans. Your luck is about to change — for the better, obviously.


Oct 23 — Nov 21

There’s a new moon on Friday, urging patience and circumspection. Use its energies to prepare for the presentation of some revolutionary new ideas. Look out for some dodgy competitors though. Someone could be out to steal your ideas, so guard them closely. Meanwhile, if you have a moment, take a trip with your sweetheart — and have some fun. Extra money is close by. Say thank you for everything. Gratitude is, amazingly, the greatest creator of wealth.


Nov 22 — 21 Dec

Love is your problem — and if you’re hoping to make any progress at all, you’ll have to spend some time listening instead of talking. And none of that intellectual rabitting either. This is a chance to use emotion and honesty in the same sentence. Fortunately, Friday’s new moon is in a passionate mood, and the energies want happy endings. All you need to do is pay attention. You might also let a teeny bit of that vulnerability show ... for once.


Dec 22 — Jan 19

Real romance — rather than basic hormonal stirrings — are in the offing. Could that delightful creature in the supermarket or on the train be the one? Keep your energies open through Friday’s glamorous new moon — but only if you’re available. If not, buy your love some flowers. And find a way to break the routine. If there’s a business trip on the cards, wangle an extra seat. You never know who you’ll be sitting with.


Jan 20 — Feb 18

Though things are going amazingly smoothly at work, be on the lookout for hidden agendas. No need to overreact though. Just look at old problems yet to be resolved, and you’ll find your answer. The heart, on the other hand, is less happy, as you move towards the potential end of a love affair. Don’t hang on for the sake of it. But wait for Friday’s new moon to rush past before you decide. And then, trust your instincts.


Feb 19 — Mar 20

Everything’s going so well, you’re starting to get cocky. Watch that. Ego is the greatest killer of success. Besides, your intuition is working overtime now, so a little quiet time will win you many more points than hours of posturing. Meanwhile, how about a short break? Or at least a workout. You’ll need extra strength to cope with a wildly busy time ahead. Look to Friday’s new moon for direction. And be willing to take advice — for once.


Mar 21 — Apr 19

The pace is speeding up — as you’re dragged off that couch with gusto. Suddenly there’s a new drive to write, create, learn. Relationships are livening up, with loads of interesting new input and a line-up of offers for the singles among you. There are parties and fun and travel. Friday’s exotic new moon brings a spiritual focus to your thoughts. Do you even know what you believe in? Figure it out. Make a list.


20 APRIL — 20 MAY

Unexpressed rages — particularly the ones involving lovers — are simmering to the surface. Ignore them at your peril. This is a time when tedious accidents and injuries — forcing you to sit still and deal with your issues — could immobilise you for a while. Not that it’s a good idea to start tossing frying pans about either. Try writing down what needs to be said — allowing yourself to be read rather than heard. Much gentler.


May 21 — June 20

Balance is what’s needed. One side of you wants to be silly and mindless. The other is nagging on about bills and deadlines. Time management is the answer — and, much as you hate the idea, commitments will have to be made. Fortunately, money’s good, so you can focus your energy on creative plans and new ideas. Friday’s nurturing new moon wants you express yourself more fully. Start anywhere.

Your Chart

Barbara Lakoena (7 February 1985, Greytown, KZN, 08h00)

Sun sign: Aquarius

Moon sign: Virgo

Rising Sign: Pisces

You probably feel as though you’ve been to hell and back — and that things can’t possibly get any worse. And you’d be right. Most of the drama is over — and whatever remains is mostly happening in your head. The problem, of course, is that you’re such a control freak, anything less than perfect feels like failure. That’s something you’ll need to work on for the rest of your life. For now, accept that your life is precisely as it needs to be, and that you’ve been through a rite of passage that has forced you to drag out your inner strengths. In fact, you’ve discovered that you’re a lot more powerful than you thought you were. For the next few months, let the energies settle. By September, your path will be clearer, and all the help you’ll need will be available. Meanwhile, give yourself at least one treat a day. And congratulate yourself for having made it this far. One more thing: look out for fabulous new career offers. They’re out there — and they’re coming your way. Get ready to make a move. 

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