Finland attempts world's first phone-free tourist island

Visitors to Ulko-Tammio in the Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park are being encouraged to look up from their screens and really soak in their surrounds

22 June 2023 - 10:15 By Elizabeth Sleith
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The island of Ulko-Tammio is in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, about 30km from the city of Hamina and less than 10km from the Russian border.
The island of Ulko-Tammio is in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, about 30km from the city of Hamina and less than 10km from the Russian border.
Image: Annika Ruohonen

Tourism officials for a Finnish island are aiming for a summer of “digital fasting” this year, encouraging visitors to switch off their smart devices, forget their screens and simply enjoy their natural surroundings.

Co-operation is voluntary, but if officials get their way, Ulko-Tammio in the Baltic Sea will lay claim to being “the world's first phone-free tourist island”.

Ulko-Tammio is in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, about 30km from the city of Hamina and less than 10km from the Russian border. The greater area, known as Kotka-Hamina, boasts a plethora of rugged islands, with swimming spots and charming coastal villages.

Ulko-Tammio forms part of the Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park, one of 41 national parks in the country. Uninhabited by humans, but home to rare birds and plants, lush natural scenery and rugged shores, it is a popular destination for excursions.

Ulko-Tammio, Finland, wants visitors to look up from their screens.
Ulko-Tammio, Finland, wants visitors to look up from their screens.
Image: Annika Ruohonen

Mats Selin, an expert in island tourism at Visit Kotka-Hamina, explains the “digital fasting” campaign: “We want to urge holidaymakers to switch off their smart devices and to stop and genuinely enjoy the islands.” 

The staff of Parks & Wildlife Finland, which manages the island, are also on board.

“We encourage visitors to voluntarily put their phones away and focus their senses on nature rather than their phones. This is a great initiative that could be implemented in other nature and recreational destinations,” said Joel Heino, manager for outdoor recreation and visitor management at Parks & Wildlife Finland.

Technology is part of our everyday lives and many people find it difficult to put their phones down, even on holiday, when sharing activities on social media might feel more important than simply enjoying the moment. 

But as Terhi Mustonen, a psychologist at Finland's Sosped Foundation, a non-governmental welfare organisation in the social and health sector, says: “People are not meant to be glued to screens all the time. Even a short digital fast can be useful and improve our wellbeing, and help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.” 

While the island is covered by a functioning mobile network, it is an ideal phone-free zone, with well-marked hiking trails and a birdwatching tower with wonderful views over the 55km-wide national park. Visitors can stay overnight in tents or in a cabin maintained by Parks & Wildlife Finland.

“We spend countless hours scrolling our social media feeds, so taking a short break from them means you have more time for new experiences. I’d like to see more initiatives like this that promote digital fasting,” said Sari Castrén, psychologist and research manager at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. 

The east coast of Finland has several other islands worth visiting and exploring. Those in the Eastern Gulf are typically accessed using private boats or by catching a commuter ferry, water taxi or water bus from Kotka.

For more information on tourism in the region, click here.·         

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