Western Cape

A cool way to tour the Cape: on a vintage bike with a sidecar and a dog

With a fleet of retro Chinese army bikes, Cape Sidecar Adventures offers tours round the Cape Peninsula in a sidecar with a bonus canine sidekick for the day

23 June 2024 - 00:00

The prospect of spending a Saturday exploring the Cape Peninsula is appealing enough on its own, but even more enticing is the prospect of riding around on a vintage motorbike with a sidecar named Lolita (there's a song title in there somewhere); a celebrity dog called Brodie; and the most charming guide this side of the equator, Tim Clark. The owner of Cape Sidecar Adventures, Clark knows not only the best spot to grab fresh fish and slap chips for lunch, but also where to stop for a delectable and reviving mojito for afternoon tea. That would be true, even if the adventure started at the crack of dawn on Saturday, after a Friday night of tequilas and hours of cutting rugs on Cape Town's most vibrant dance floors...

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