'I can’t imagine the kind of pressure you go through being my son': Black Coffee's letter to his 'boy boy'

18 August 2020 - 14:00 By Deepika Naidoo
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DJ Black Coffee.
DJ Black Coffee.
Image: Instagram/DJ Black Coffee

You only turn 21 once and DJ Black Coffee has made sure to show his son all the fatherly love he can for his milestone birthday.

In an Instagram post dedicated to his son Esona, Black Coffee wished him a happy birthday and mentioned how he could never imagine the kind of pressures he goes through as the son of someone famous.

“I can’t imagine the kind of pressure you go through being my son. You know I never had a father figure my entire life but I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to figure out this fatherhood thing with you.”

He also thanked Esona for being “an amazing human being, the best Grootman to your siblings, the captain of the team and for being grounded and respectful not just to me and your mother but to everyone”.

He said t he was proud of the man Esona had become and even threw in a cute little dad joke.

“Just in case I don't tell you enough I love you and I'm so proud of you and the man you are becoming. Happy Birthday boy boy, or is it man man. (I had to throw in a Dad joke).”

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