WATCH | Linda Majola talks about how he's been 'experimenting with cannabis'

“The 'high' kinda balances out my anxiety and depression but somehow makes me a tad bit schizophrenic,” the actor said.

04 February 2022 - 14:00
By Joy Mphande
Actor and Tik Tok star Linda Majola opens up about his mental health.
Image: Instagram/ Linda Majola Actor and Tik Tok star Linda Majola opens up about his mental health.

The Wife actor and Tik Tok star Linda Majola got candid about his mental health journey.

He took to Instagram on Thursday reflecting on how he had been coping with living independently since moving into his flat in October last year. 

“I’m failing dismally at being an adult — but that’s OK,” he wrote. 

From inconsistent grocery purchases, overspending on junk and alcohol, Linda says being aware of his bad choices has prompted him to do better by himself by eating healthy and finding conducive outlets.

While he came to realise he's not a domesticated person, his flat had begun to reflect his mental state.

“The cleanliness of my flat coincides with where I am emotionally and mentally, trust me it’s not always a pleasant sight. I’m lazy and I procrastinate — but I try to maintain my space the best way I can.

“I’ve already begun curating the life I want for myself, but unfortunately, I am my grandmother's grandson. I’m a compulsive hoarder — I keep useless boxes and excessive kitchen paraphernalia in hopes that I’ll put them to use — one day. Will this day ever arrive? Who knows?” he wrote.

Speaking of combating anxiety and depression, Linda said he had looked to cannabis, but later resorted to podcasts instead, which have brought him a sense of peace.

“I’ve been gingerly experimenting with cannabis. The 'high' kinda balances out my anxiety and  depression, but somehow makes me a bit schizophrenic — so I’ve put the blunt down and opted for these slightly informative podcasts and New York Times articles as a form of therapy. Who knew listening to Eckhart Tole would give me so much calmness and placidity.”

See all the pictures from the post below: