'He was light' — Lynn Forbes on AKA finding God before he died

30 April 2023 - 08:00
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The rapper AKA was gunned down in Durban on February 10.
The rapper AKA was gunned down in Durban on February 10.
Image: Instagram/AKA

Lynn Forbes says her late son rapper AKA had found God before his untimely passing two months ago. 

Kiernan “AKA” Forbes was gunned down outside a popular restaurant in Durban on February 10.

The shooting also claimed the life of his lifelong friend, celebrity chef Tebello “Tibz” Motsoane.

During an interview on eNCA, Lynn said AKA grew in faith in the last months of his life. 

“It was beautiful to see and it was even more beautiful to experience. He was light, He literally just found God. He was not shy to say that,” she said. 

“There was this light shining from within. Kiernan was always spiritual, not only spiritual but he believed in God. 

She said her son's walk of faith heightened and it became a deeply personal walk when he attained a mentor and started attending home cells with his girlfriend Nadia Nakai.

“It became much deeper in the last couple of months because he had a spiritual mentor, Kabelo Mabalane. He was really spending so much time with him and he was going to the home cell every Tuesday night,” she said.

Addressing speculation about AKA having enemies, Lynn said she didn't believe her son had enemies who would want to take his life.

“I don’t want to believe he had enemies. I don’t want to believe somebody would’ve hated him that much. I don’t know if it was hate. Even if somebody disliked him, I don't know if it would’ve been enough to plan, calculate and discuss how to take him out.”

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