WATCH | 'Future is in your hands': Lady Du and other celebs urge fans to vote

David Kau says, 'I don't care who you vote for, just exercise your right'

28 May 2024 - 20:00
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Musician Lady Du has encouraged her followers to vote.
Musician Lady Du has encouraged her followers to vote.
Image: Instagram/Lady Du

Some celebrities have urged their followers to vote on Wednesday.

While many personalities have affiliated themselves with specific political parties and politicians, comedian David Kau expressed the importance of voting, saying he did not care to persuade his followers to make a specific decision.

“Whatever you do, if you are eligible and you are registered, please go vote. Politicians and other candidates care who you vote for, we don't care who you vote for, I don't care who you vote for, just exercise your right to vote,” he said.

Rapper Priddy Ugly used his music to emphasise how voting decisions can affect people.

“One of the most important things you can do in life is make the right decisions. The decisions you make today affect your present, past and future. They affect those around your life and even those you're unaware of.” 

Lady Du also took to her timeline saying, “Go vote, because your future is in your hands.”

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